what does the bible say about rh negative blood

People with Rh Negative blood are ridiculously intelligent. B Rh positive - Human type 2. Very rare. One disturbing but true story is that of a couple who adored their large Alsatian. This is most clearly shown in the relationship between a RH negative mother and a RH positive unborn child. It's always good to know your blood type, but particularly when you're pregnant. Linking RH protein to the Rhesus money says nothing about its origins, which are unknown. Answer (1 of 12): Rh- are immune to HIV, herpes, flu, and many viruses. If you are going to report the scammer, you can do so by clicking on Find Support . This research scientist claims that Jesus' biological Father is "God". Most say they have 1-3 good friends. Very common. Rh negative blood effects from Rh negative angels https://thebibleinformation.com/what-does-the-bible-say-ab/ The RH factor in blood indicates a protein that can be linked to the Rhesus monkey. link to RH Negative Blood: What Does the Bible Say About It? The majority of scientists who have studied the blood type have concluded that it is most likely just a random mutation. A mother with Rh negative blood type will fight her Rh positive fetus' as a disease with her. A large part of the process that Christian researchers have documented over the decades to arrive at the demonic conclusion include. Now remember this point about RH- blood of why they say we come from reptiles. A Rh positive - Human type 1. Edgar Cayce said that the Atlanteans first settled in the Pyrenees Mountains of France and Spain, which is the same area where the Basque live. O Rh positive - Mixed, God and human. However, it reflects the theological views and personal biases of the man who compiled it, as well as the men who ratified it. But for some, it's evidence that an extraterrestrial encounter occurred thousands of years ago, which. AddThis. Blood types of the ancient Hebrews Rh factor is present in the red blood cells of about 85 to 95 percent of people, both men and women. Click to the right and select Find Support or Report Profile. Rhesus factor, referred to as the Rh factor, is a protein in the human blood. This rabbit hole goes quite deep when researching, as . The miraculous nature of the blood was confirmed when the dried blood of Jesus Christ and the Ark of the Covenant were . But since God created everything "very good", and He doesn't make mistakes, Adam and Eve would not have had any mutations. 2) Abductions Can Be Terminated. This is most likely the first humans created by the God/Human mix. But it isn't necessarily all bad. Furthermore, the vast majority of these latter individuals happen to reside in northern Europe. The bible has no explanation for this except to try to sell us on the notion that our skin types evolved from the geographical locations of our ancestors, yet it does not address how multiple blood types and Rh values came from two people, Adam and Eve. 3) Powers of Aliens and Angels. crystalwind.ca. The Bible clearly states that Jesus (Yashua) was a Nazarene. They may 'have alien blood' according to some Ufologists Rhesus, a protein substance, is located in red blood cells of 85% of Earthlings. The Bible states in Genesis 6:4 "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man, and they bore children to them. The revisions to the Bible over time reflect the theological narratives within various sects of Christianity. Rh-negative. The unique nature of Rh-negative blood has a simple scientific explanation to most people. Many Christians . Dog ownership is a carnal desire and is sometimes driven by an evil spirit. Also, anyone can have blood or organs of Rh-without rejection or rejection meds. Some say the Rh negative blood type is a sign of alien blood, or the blood of god. The book, "There Were Giants Upon The Earth" Does Not suggest that Jesus was an Annunaki, however, after reading this and other material to include of the original translations of the Sumerian tablets, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Enoch & other "missing" books of the bible, I started to see overt connections between Jesus, Enoch, Enki, Noah & the Annunaki that one may not see reading one or . Those were the mighty men, who were of old, men of renown." Religious people believe the Nephilim were hybrid children of fallen angels and human women. According to popular belief, people containing the Rh Negative blood (especially O Negative) are said to have special abilities and higher intellect than those who have Rh Positive blood. What does the Bible say about incarnation? A genetic analysis of Jesus' dried blood proves that his Father is non-human. A pregnant woman's own blood might attack an Rh-positive fetus in the womb. The RH factor is a protein found in the human blood that is directly linked to the Rhesus Monkey. 2. He left the ninety-nine and looked for that one until he found it. Adoption also fulfills the definition of true religion. Oddly enough, mothers with RH negative blood naturally create antibodies that will attack the . So the people who have inherited RH bloodline are a mixed breed. The RH Negative Factor Key is in . Rh negative is a big deal because of somebody with Rh negative blood. The Rh blood group, which includes Rh-negative and Rh-positive, was discovered in 1940. It is acknowledged that blood factors are transmitted with more exactitude than any other human or animal characteristic. And can produce an Anti-D antibody. AB Rh positive - Mixed, Human types 1 and 2. The royal godhead were not permitted to marry, and bear children, to any other than their own blood type. In reality homosexuality is related to both genetic and environmental factors; nature and nurture, not just Rh negative blood. The most important of these Rh antigens, the D antigen, is quite often missing in Caucasians, of whom around . Paranormal & Unexplained. Which merely indicates that their red blood cells contain a substance called the RHesus (rhesus) blood factor. You are leaving all of the people that have negative blood out of the equation. The term is derived due to the first discovery of the protein substance in the blood of Rhesus monkeys. Enki in the Holy Bible is in fact Lucifer/the serpent. You can receive blood from A- and O- blood type. But when it comes to the antigens in our blood there's a small percentage of the population with a strange anomaly, leading some to question if Rh-negative blood is alien in origin. 4. The recipient's phone must have iMessage turned on. Roberta Hill is a home health care worker, writer and researcher. When he had gone to such trouble, he said to the sheep, 'I Care For You More Than The Ninety-Nine.'". Get the Facts. Very rare. This is not to say people not belonging to this bloodline have no such abilities. It is worth mentioning that A-negative blood type is quite rare and is only 6% of the population has it. There are some physical traits which can be proven, some mental tendencies (harder to prove), and some "magic" traits (very hard if not impossible to prove). Christ was the only true God and was truly man. First though, we should study about all the . B Rh negative - Mixed, God and human type 2. O nce again, God's Word proves to be correct, and men everywhere are confounded. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. Some say Aliens and some say from Satan & Co (The fallen Angels) It's strange that some of the highest concentration of the RH-negative factor is found in the Basque people and the Oriental Jews of Israel. The Bible is the most famous and revered history book in the world. If your blood tests positive for this, you have the factor in your blood. According to popular belief, people containing the Rh Negative blood (especially O Negative) are said to have special abilities and higher intellect than those who have Rh Positive blood. B Rh negative - Mixed, God and human type 2. For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink. not of the Earth. (This happens when the mother is RH negative and the father is RH positive.) Rh factor blood test: Rhesus (Rh) factor is an inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells. Here are a few important things about A-negative blood type donation. Scientists believe that the occurrence of Rh negative blood is related to a mutation that is more likely in European populations. The Nazarenes were Scandinavians who apparently had the PURE Rh Negative bloodline factor, which can be tracked back in time to the original human race that was born on this planet in a part of the world that was known as the "Garden". They are testing the DNA to see if it is possible that the bones belong to a blo. You are the smartest person you know. They are testing the DNA to see if it is possible that the bones belong to a blo. O negative according to the Church of Pergamum in the 7 Churches of Revelation are interpreted as Fallen Angels. The Rh factor in our blood is named after the Rhesus Monkey, which, like all other primates, only contains the Positive factor, although there is a tiny fraction of the population with a peculiar oddity. Only you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood. H. Rh negative does not "receive" Rh positive. Pergamum - United by Marriage and Purgatory's secret - Fallen Angel Hybrids receive Eve's RH- blood. What a Rh-negative mothers immune system is doing is activating its defense system obeying its DNA characteristics. The 5 to 15 percent without it are labeled "Rh- negative.". If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and . What is unusual about Rh-Negative blood is that the gene for it is surprisingly common . Furthermore, the vast majority of these latter individuals happen to reside in northern Europe. Very rare. The most common blood of modern humans. Simply put, their positive blood contains a protein that can be linked to the Rhesus monkey. The Heart of The Cell Lands Connected to The Tribes of Dann Can Be Traced Through This Blood Factor The Rh-Negatives Factor is considered a "Mutation" of "Unknown Origin" The idea that the Egyptians and Celts were connect in antiquity and that they spread around the world is not a new idea; it has been noticed . Being Rh negative means that one does not share DNA background with the Rhesus monkey or Rh and thus one is lacking that DNA or better said testing for the Rh factor leads to Negative results in the given person being examined. Their intelligence often comes across as being rude, arrogant, or cocky to others who . The original blood type of these descendants was RH negative, i.e. It's also central to certain conspiracy theories that include the Nephilim. RH- blood has been told be the blood of reptiles not mammals. DNA testing is still underway on bones said to be that of John The Baptist.. Almost 85 percent of all humans have RH positive blood. It is believed those watcher angels used to roam over the earth during the pre-flood era. There is a lot of information about common factors in people with Rh-negative blood. What Does The Bible Say About RH Negative Blood? Neither of these ideas about Rh negative blood hold up to scrutiny, of course. My blood is 0 positive, the most common of all types. RH negative blood and RH positive blood are extremely incompatible. As I mentioned above, having Rh negative blood can cause problems during pregnancy for the mother and child. Science has revealed the identity of Jesus' biological father. This is the initial step towards reporting the profile. If your blood lacks the protein, you're Rh negative. 55 of those findings were diagnosable. As the table below shows, the presence of a protein determines Rh blood type. The key factor in the development of Type A can be traced to the struggle for survival long ago, when there was a rapidly dwindling supply of hunting game stock. In some countries, demon possessed dogs called 'spirit dogs' only ever attack Christians. Because viruses use the d coating on the cells as an entry point, it cannot infect a rh- person. Normally, it will not offer you the delivered prompt if the recipient's phone is turned off or dead. some say it is the lack thereof.This makes one believe Rh negative indicates the "presence of something rare in one's blood". Rh negative blood type having no D antigen evolved due to one such mutation.This also changed their appearance and immune system characteristics. From The Gospel of Thomas. 1 John 1:7-9 ESV / 18 helpful votesNot Helpful. Rh-negative blood can negatively affect pregnancies if it's not treated. Only roughly 15% of the world's population carries the Rh Negative factor, and this amount is not uniformly distributed across the globe. Haemolytic disease is the allergic reaction that occurs when an Rh negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child. Very rare. This is the blood type that is given to ill newborns and is on emergency vehicles not just because everyone can receive it but also because it is the "purest" type. It is impossible to pinpoint the exact cause of its existence except for a mutation that took place tens of thousands of years ago. Rh negative means that this trait is not present, and in the case of Rh negative pregnant mothers, the Rh positive trait is not accepted by her blood or body, and like an impurity it is fought off by the . If your blood has the protein, you're Rh positive. Even in Greek Mythology each of the Anunnaki are mentioned with different rolls. Rhesusnegative.net April 2, 2020 3 According to the Vatican, blood from the Shroud of Turin was tested as AB. Progeny of ha Wah (Eve) and Satan (XES) - Cain and the Grigori before flood - Ham and Lot's Daughters after the flood. by Anna Ketler February 8, 2018 (collective-evolution.com) Some say that the fifteen percent of people who have Rh-negative blood could be a separate humanoid species from the majority. This parasite . Rh protein plays a significant role as a channel for CO2 gas (carbon dioxide) across cell membranes in the body: "Rh proteins act as gas channels that help speed the transfer of carbon dioxide (CO2) in and out of red blood cells. Answer: Incarnation, the central Christian belief that God took on flesh, that God took on human form and became a human being in the person that of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the third Person from Trinity. Rh negative blood is very rare and there are pros and cons to having this blood type. for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins. She has her own You Tube channel where she makes videos on the RH negative blood type, physics, astronomy, Coral Castle, poetry, animation, sacred geometry and various other subjects. Only roughly 15% of the world's population carries the Rh Negative factor, and this amount is not uniformly distributed across the globe. Actually, it's the one and only adverse side-effect: giving birth aside, being Rh negative has no major, adverse bearing whatsoever upon matters relative to health. Then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and the springs of waters; and they became blood. Here we searched for evidence of similar effects of RhD phenotype on toxoplasmosis- or aging-associated changes in the personality profile of about 302 blood donors. You will find a plethora of resources about this upon searching, such as the Rh Registry and so forth. They are of above-average intelligence for sure, many have psychic abilities. RH Negative Blood: What Does the Bible Say About It? Rh negative means that this trait is not present, and in the case of Rh negative pregnant mothers, the Rh positive trait is not accepted by her blood or body, and like an impurity it is fought off by the . The RH factor is the Rhesus (rhesus as in monkey) blood factor. They are termed "Rh- positive.". If you test negative, you do not have the factor in your blood. Once you have located the three buttons, you should click on it. Common physical characteristics of people with Rh-negative blood. The fact that a number of people lack this factor is a puzzling phenomenon that tends to defy the evolution story arising the question on where did they come from? To the couple, the dog was the 'child' they had never had. "Blood of the Gods." The RH Neg Blood Type- Nephilim bloodline It is believed that the Rh-negative blood type is of unknown origin. It is quite powerful though. Revelation 2:9. . Giants In more than 98% of cases, the red blood cell incompatibility involves the Rhesus or Rh D antigen[Rh-negative Factor] so the disease is known as Rhesus disease or Rh disease. Answer (1 of 3): The Type A emerges into the 21st century with many more complex challenges than their ancestors could have imagined. Oddly enough, RH negative blood can be utilized by any human being in need of a transfusion, but people with RH negative naturally coursing through their veins cannot make use of any other type of blood at all. Oct 29, 2018 - Explore Rocky Danie's board "RH-NEGATIVE BLOOD ( WE ARE DIFFERENT )" on Pinterest. For the longest time, the occult has associated Rh-negative blood with the Nephilim, terming it as the blood of the Gods. Things can get tricky when an Rh-negative mother is carrying an Rh-positive fetusif she's . Her channel is called TheStarchild2009. Oddly enough, RH negative blood can be utilized by any human being in need of a transfusion, but people with RH negative naturally coursing through their veins cannot make use of any other type of blood at all. I'm not RH negative, by the way (some asked me that). They have no d antigen. The Rh factor in our blood is named after the Rhesus Monkey, which, like all other primates, only contains the Positive factor, although there is a tiny fraction of the population with a peculiar oddity. 1) Aliens Bring Primarily Religious Messages. The most significant - and also deeply worrying - side-effect of being Rh negative relates to the matter of pregnancy. She has written numerous online research books and poetry. The Samaritans and the Black Cochin Jew also have a high percentage of Rh negative blood although it is rare among most black people. As humans, we believe we evolved from apes and the Rh factor in our blood even derives its name from the Rhesus Macaque. This is called the RH factor. Some of them were taken by the beauty of human females and they had sexual relations with them, resulting in the birth of Nephilim. Jesus is recorded as saying: "The Kingdom is like a shepherd who had a hundred sheep. This is an impossible scenario. Fruit of the Phenomena and What More Intensive Research Reveals. Her blood builds up antibodies to destroy an ALIEN substance (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the infant. The "positive" is an additional trait to the blood shared by other species on Earth. Get the Facts. The Rh system (formerly known as "Rhesus") is the largest, containing 61 antigens. The first was that doctors began to see a pattern with the disease and to understand how the Rh factor was involved in sickness and death. Recently, three independent studies have shown that Rh-positive subjects are protected against the T. gondii-induced changes of reaction times and increased risk of traffic accidents. 2. RH negative means the blood does not contain the RH factor. And more than half of the ABO blood groups were found to be the otherwise rare AB blood group. The Find Support or Report Profile option comes with a lot of different options. , Aliens. Negative blood can only receive from negative blood and O- blood can only receive from O- blood. You will find a plethora of resources about this upon searching, such as the Rh Registry and so forth. One of them, the largest, went astray. "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan".

what does the bible say about rh negative blood