viet cong skinning soldiers alive

The Apache also castrated an American soldier who bled to death. A Viet Cong guerrilla stands guard in the Mekong Delta. More specifically, the Communist authorities. Answer (1 of 9): The NVA were more likely to take prisoners but the VC were often too far south to march the prisoners to the camps in Cambodia, Laos or North Vietnam. We Weren't All Communists; We Just Wanted Independence. Ideologically a Marxist-Leninist and a Khmer nationalist, he was a leading member of Cambodia's communist movement, the Khmer Rouge, from 1963 until 1997 and served as the General Secretary of the . 03-03-2017, 10:09 PM #14: wlil. Her name is Lam Thi Dep (Dep means beautiful in Vietnamese), the picture was taken in 1972 at Soc Trang Province by Vietnamese journalist Minh Truong. It was "systematic and collective"; an . Impressive, shocking, sad and beautiful - and educating. A shame really; not only is it an excellent film, but it is also one of the very few films that show the Vietnam war from the perspective of the Vietnamese (and from a woman, at that - which makes it even rarer). The Apache also castrated an American soldier who bled to death. As a result of getting on the Agent Orange Registry, I am now enrolled in VA health care and receiving care at the VA hospital in Washington, D.C., and I am glad I am. This means that the VC killed somewhere between 200,000 and 600,000 civilians. Soldiers who go to war commit unspeakable acts to their enemies. Inside these detention centers, any form of torture is possible. 2. "It was very peaceful. We don't need the rest. The Recon Marine opened fire with his M16, firing approximately five to eight rounds at the white man dressed like the Viet Cong. Some Viet Cong soldiers were uniformed and highly trained, however, most were volunteers and reservist farmers who received only occasional training, if any at all. Later, lying in bed, I jotted notes about the opening of the film in my notebook: "Ho Chi Minh: The Man rolls across the skin of five lynched black men, branding them with ideographic characters . According to U.S. Wings, young recruits did indeed make up the majority of U.S. casualties with some 61% younger than 21 years old when they died. In all, an estimated one-third of civilian deaths during the Vietnam War were at the hands of the Viet Cong. Despite the name, they weren't cages that contained tigers. Some of these men were career military officers. He fought as a Viet Cong from the late 1950s to the end of the war in the mid-'70s. Captured U.S. pilot major Dewey Waddell is guarded by a militiawoman with a gun and a bayonet on a rice field. We prefer to kill ten friends rather than keep one enemy alive." - Khmer Rouge slogan (Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son [Touchstone, 1987], p. 148) "[If every soldier kills 25 Vietnamese], we will need only 2 million troops to crush the 50 million Vietnamese; and . A copy of the Pulitzer Prize winning photograph by Associated Press photographer Huynh Cong Ut is held at the place he took it 40 years ago in Trang Bang, Tay Ninh province, Vietnam. There are graphic punji stick injuries, and the Americans discover a dead member of their platoon skinned alive by the enemy. 3. Here's what he told us. They murdered with impunity and great anonymity. Parallel with this, Sellers ups the ante in terms of the horrific acts committed by the Viet Cong on American soldiers. My former religion was Lutheran, due to my Swedish ancestry which traditionally dictates that progeny be so baptized. Forum Member . By far the most reported on encounters with strange creatures during the Vietnam War are those dealing with an apparent race of hairy humanoids in the forests which were known locally as the Nguoi Rung, or "the people of the forest," as well as the Batutut and Ujit. One night, one of his fellow soldiers (who either wasn't very observant, extremely sheltered, or just kind of stupid) comes up to him and says, "Hey, Kupelman, I hear there's a Jew in our unit.". Though there are . A Vietnamese female platoon leader, interrogator and sniper known as "Apache" created quite the name for herself. 8 stars out of 10. What the SF soldiers found in the mountains of Vietnam was a group of people unparalleled in fierce fighting skills, personal courage, and loyalty to allies. Unlike American for Continue Reading Justin Petaccio The American Soldier in VietnamMore than 2.5 million American men served in Vietnam during the war. . Posts: 3,673 re: I'm beginning . She was of Vietnamese and French ancestry and grew up in Hanoi. Live. But only in the past dozen years have semi-automatic models become a fixture of . 6. On January 29, 1968, she set off for a week's visit with Sandra Johnson, a friend at a volunteer agency in Hué. About half the American soldiers who served in Vietnam, 1.5 million, were present there during the U.S. military's most liberal use of herbicides, according to the American Cancer Society. Nguyen Van Vuong started as a soldier in the North Vietnamese Army in 1966 and ended his service in 1971 after contracting malaria. Mortars hit them during the night, wounding two more. The female Viet Cong sniper and interrogator, known as "Apache," enjoyed torturing 5th Regiment, 1st Marine Division US Marines and South Vietnamese troops and letting them bleed to death. . Captain Smith thinks he sees a Viet Cong soldier and shoots at them, but he discovers that it's just a pig. Seven drivers lost their lives in the ambush, 10 more were wounded and two were . After being defeated at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 and forced to withdraw from Vietnam after nearly a century of colonial rule, France quickly evacuated 25,000 Vietnamese children of French parentage . As a sniper for the U.S. Marine Corps in Vietnam -- when the hands were rock steady, the eyes keen, the legs durable -- he was officially credited with killing 93 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong. However, both women disappeared shortly after Marge arrived. She was known for cutting off the eyelids and saving them as souvenirs. He fought as a Viet Cong from the late 1950s to the end of the war in the mid-'70s. The Vietnam War happened — but far away." A few days before June 8, however, Viet Cong showed up in the area, and "my mom knew war would come to our village." For the next three days, South Vietnamese soldiers allowed the children to take refuge in the village's Caodai temple, where they remained until June 8. She had skinned one American soldier alive. Patients included soldiers from the U.S. and South Vietnamese armies, civilians, and Viet Cong. By December 1963, 43,000 Montagnard defenders guarded the area around the first camp, Buon Enao, from the Viet Cong, while 18,000 Montagnards were enlisted in mobile strike forces, which . The White Cong was flung backward . After my first month in Vietnam, I became an atheist. On Feb. 11, 1965, Lt. Cmdr. The Viet Cong operated and recruited with extreme duress. They were a bunch of jungle-fighting guerrilla warriors who killed American boys via night-time ambushes and terrifying traps. She led a platoon of snipers and earned a reputation for torturing prisoners of war in earshot of US bases and castrating her victims, aswell as cutting . . She was not known for her leadership skills or even her sniper skills, but for her propensity toward torturing American . American troops tending to a casualty on Hill Timothy during an action against the Viet Cong, Vietnam War, April 1968. That is now . The Vietnamese were infamous for their treatment of POWs—but nothing sums up their sheer brutality more than the so-called "Tiger Cages.". Wars transform nations. to die in masses and were engaged in a meaningful effort to provide the army with fur caps, camouflage suits, greatcoats, half-length wool coats, quilted jackets that were usually worn under greatcoats (sometimes the winter uniform also included personal clothing . [3] She was killed in 1966 by Carlos Hathcock, who was part of a sniper team of the United States Marine Corps. These men were scared, angry and primed for revenge. 5 Shuanggui. The U.S. program, codenamed . One of these episodes. they were told of The Apache and how she liked to torture Marines within earshot of the base to undermine the American soldiers' morale. They utilised guerrilla tactics, such as complex tunnel systems. The next day, a man dies when a piece of shrapnel slices off his nose, drowning him in his own blood. a sniper's rifle of a yellow skinned man in . He was taken to the Hanoi Hilton and held in isolation for four months before he was even allowed to . The Vietnamese were infamous for their treatment of POWs—but nothing sums up their sheer brutality more than the so-called "Tiger Cages.". John Kerry's Vietnam War Journal Entry. On the night of March 15, 1971, a group of American artillery officers stationed at the Bien Hoa Air Force base were enjoying a rare "wonderful time of great food and fellowship" in a brief respite from the war. Another had a basket. T he man in the picture keeps his eyes to the ground. Ideologically a Marxist-Leninist and a Khmer nationalist, he was a leading member of Cambodia's communist movement, the Khmer Rouge, from 1963 until 1997 and served as the General Secretary of the . A Viet Cong platoon leader and interrogator known as the Apache goes from predator to prey after one particularly gruesome torture session during the Vietnam. I had always heard rumors that you would be tortured then gutted like a fish and left where you c. But many others were poor or working-class teenagers who enlisted or were drafted into the military right out of high school. THE "WANDERING SOUL" TAPE OF VIETNAM. #8. I could understand only a primitive concept of God. About Michael F. O'Connor. Pol Pot (born Saloth Sâr; 19 May 1925 - 15 April 1998) was a Cambodian revolutionary, dictator, and politician who ruled Cambodia as Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea between 1976 and 1979. They didn't want their best soldiers, officers, combat medics, volunteers, etc. Pol Pot (born Saloth Sâr; 19 May 1925 - 15 April 1998) was a Cambodian revolutionary, dictator, and politician who ruled Cambodia as Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea between 1976 and 1979. from home shot to pieces by a Viet Cong. Hathcock and another sniper pinned 100 Viet Cong soldiers down for 5 days. The average age of the men killed during the. The National Museum of the United States Army at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, has created a Vietnam War exhibit as part of its Cold War gallery which is proving to be popular with Vietnam veterans and their families. Those that survived if you can call living the rest of your life sexless living, were brought in for treatment. This US soldier 'found alive' in Vietnam 44 years after being left behind Filmmaker says John Robertson, now 76, can no longer speak English, remember his birthday or the names of his American. On March 16, when they entered the My Lai area, known as Pinkville, chaos broke loose quickly. . I became a Viet Cong guerrilla in the late 1950s, when I was 15. In reality, though, it seems like anyone could end up being tortured in a shuanggui. In the battle of Quang Tri, during the Tet Offensive in 1968 . The Viet Cong used Chinese and Soviet-supplied weapons but also relied on makeshift explosives and booby traps. There have been, over the years, many books and articles written about the My Lai massacre and Lt. William Calley, from the earliest coverage by Seymour Hersch and Alabama writer Wayne Greenhaw . Gooks got the name from US soldiers in Vietnam. Vietnam, 1967. My Vietnam War experiences began in the fall of 1966 fighting the South Vietnamese communists — the Viet Cong. Around 9 p.m., an armored cavalry troop finally arrived at the rear of the column and forced the enemy to withdraw. Suddenly you are really awake and realize sheepishly . So, if you are a Vietnam Veteran, take note - it is to your benefit to register now. But after reading the next sentence you'll quickly realize that tigers would have been a more human option. Dark day: With 11 bullet holes in its skin and its radio knocked out, Yankee Papa 13 heads for Da Nang; James Magel lies dead on the floor and wounded gunner Billie Owens slumps against Wayne . Here's another: They were a bunch of scared (mostly) young kids fighting in a massive conflict for very personal reasons. On the morning of March 16, 1968, U.S. Army soldiers entered a Vietnamese hamlet named My Lai 4 on a search-and-destroy mission in a region controlled by Viet Cong forces that the Army referred to. Homer tells us that in the Trojan War, Achilles dragged Hector's mutilated body behind his chariot for twelve days. It is also the least known. The Tiger Cages of Vietnam. On February 9, a secretary from the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID) reported seeing a cadre of Viet Cong escorting the two young women out of the city of Hué. Here's another: They were a bunch of scared (mostly) young kids fighting in a massive conflict for very personal reasons. Bob Shumaker became the second US pilot shot down over Vietnam. Another had a basket tied on his head and had a rat sewed up in the basket. Rape of Vietnamese women by US troops "took place on such a large scale that many veterans considered it standard operating procedure.". China: Skinned Alive, Another Dog Meat Dog - Fight Dog Meat Graphic illustration of oriental cruelty, think about this the next time you sample their "cuisine". A large proportion of the U.S. troops consisted of African American men from the inner cities, the sons of immigrants . One man, Yu Qiyi, a 42-year-old chief engineer at a state-owned . Another had a basket tied on his head and had a rat sewed up in the basket. Apache (1936 - 13 November 1966) was a female Viet Cong sniper and interrogator, she earned her nickname through her methods of torturing US Marines and South Vietnamese troops, and letting her targets bleed to death rather than killing them. I rebelled. We sent a writer out to Vietnam to speak with Nguyen Hoa Giai. Now a new film tells the story of the Vietnam War's most incredible escape The soldier said one of the three Americans had broken their leg in the crash, which was probably why they had remained with. The New Class in North Vietnam [Saigon: Cong Dan . The Tiger Cages of Vietnam. . In the case of the Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army, their greatest fear was not American forces and Allies, but their own troops. After viewing the Vietnam War photos above, have a look at two of the era's most iconic images: "Napalm Girl" and the Saigon execution. Versions of the AR-15 have been the U.S. military's standard-issue assault rifle in every war since Vietnam. This saved the lives of many American soldiers. Then they end, and as their veterans die, they fade from living memory into history. We sent a writer out to Vietnam to speak with Nguyen Hoa Giai. He attended flight training school and became an . A couple of . "You could find women like her almost everywhere during the war", said the photographer. The relaxed atmosphere was suddenly shattered around 1 a.m. when the sounds of an explosion ripped through the base. The Vietnamese officer was one of the most sadistic and vicious individuals that America had to deal with in the Vietnamese War. Note: The book "SOUND TARGETS," Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 2009, used portions of this article and quoted the author and Ed Rouse the webmaster. Get alert when someone else answer this question This article has been translated into French and reprinted with the author's permission by the Association of Collectors of the American-Vietnamese Conflict. There . The book is based on over a decade of research sparked by Turse's discovery of the papers of the Pentagon's "Vietnam War Crimes Working Group.". Join Date: Jan 2013. Turse details dozens of cases of torture . She was known for cutting off the eyelids and saving them as souvenirs. Born June 9, 1947, in Warren, Mich., Michael Francis O'Connor voluntarily enlisted in the Army in 1966 at age 19. She had skinned one American soldier alive. A trip from Laramie to Fort Hall, ID, a trip over 500 miles, could be contracted out for around $250 in 1842 and well known tracker William Comstock was paid nearly $125 each month for his . She had skinned one American soldier alive. Clyde developed a lung condition that required him to move his family from Iowa to the warmer climate of southern California, where they tried ranching in the Mojave Desert. The Viet Cong were called gooks. Some of these were notable, like the time he killed a female VietCong sniper called the Apache, who seemed to derive a sexual pleasure from skinning alive captured prisoners. Then, see the war's horrifying aftermath with this look at the Agent Orange victims who suffered through one of history's worst chemical attacks. Gordon lunged for his rifle. From the time of the Slaughter of the Innocents to My Lai in Vietnam, war has created a callousness toward human life to such a degree that torture and mutilation . It's estimated that as many as 11 percent of deaths and 15 percent of wounds to U.S. soldiers during the conflict were a result of the kind of booby traps and landmines showcased in the clip. The end would not be pleasant. However, Hathcock was not the only infamous Vietnam figurehead being talked about and feared. Wounded enemy soldiers were stabilized until they could be moved to a holding facility. He was of English, Ulster-Scots, and Irish ancestry. Wallace Terry's Bloods captures this important piece of American history in a way no one else has. Khe Sanh, S. Vietnam: American soldiers rush a wounded South Vietnamese Ranger, brought in by a All were castrated and their severed genitals shoved in their mouths. SGM Herbert A. Friedman (Ret.) Their victims included both men and women, as well as children and even babies-in-arms; some were buried alive while others were shot or beaten to death. Browse 200 vietnam war casualties stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Well, that's one side of the story. No. A slightly distant cousin of mine spent time in the Military, I think during the Vietnam war. An entire squad of GIs were captured by the Viet Cong. In the battle of Quang Tri, during the Tet Offensive in 1968, his. The museum, which opened on Nov. 11, 2020, encapsulates the entire history of the U.S. Army in a 185,000-square-foot space with displays that emphasize the personal experiences of the . Hathcock and another sniper pinned 100 Viet Cong soldiers down for 5 days. Despite the name, they weren't cages that contained tigers. The soldiers move into the empty village and wait out the night. These were hairy, ape-like creatures covered in reddish hair and typically . They were stripped and bound. While scholars attempt to understand the war and those who fought it, nothing can replace the invaluable resource of these oral histories. Nguyen Van Vuong started as a soldier in the North Vietnamese Army in 1966 and ended his service in 1971 after contracting malaria. The Communists would kill 10 regular troops for . The one story that Hathcock was reluctant to speak of concerned a Viet Cong (VC) sniper named The Apache. Share Three maps remind us of the horror of the Vietnam War on LinkedIn. Viet Cong and North Vietnamese soldiers killed 433 civilians and wounded 3,660 in the Saigon - Gia Dinh areas between 5 May and 17 June 1968. . "She was only 24 years old but had been widowed twice. The porter responded telling Azbell that it was a soldier who didn't make it back from Vietnam alive. There . The general was still alive even though he had a price on his head throughout the war and had been reported killed during the Phoenix program. The . John Wayne was born Marion Robert Morrison in Iowa, to Mary Alberta (Brown) and Clyde Leonard Morrison, a pharmacist. After losing power, the Cayuse glided to the spot where the Fords stood. He was tortured with razor-sharp bamboo, fed alive to jungle ants and half-drowned in a freezing well. In China, shuanggui is a form of extralegal detention used by the Communist party on people suspected of corruption. The Apache. 4. She was of Vietnamese and French ancestry and grew up in Hanoi. Bloods: Black Veterans in Vietnam, An Oral History by Wallace Terry, Presidio Press, 320 pages, $9. Apache (Viet Cong soldier) View source Apache was a female Viet Cong sniper [1] and interrogator [2] known as "Apache", because of her methods of torturing US Marines and ARVN troops and letting them bleed to death. Ocean_Hair. Now, all Vietnam Veterans are eligible to receive health care in the VA system. Here's what he told us. Soldiers who had fought the Viet Cong in Southeast Asia now found themselves fighting the agency charged with their care. But after reading the next sentence you'll quickly realize that tigers would have been a more human option. We sent a writer out to Vietnam to speak with Nguyen Hoa Giai. The female Viet Cong sniper and interrogator, known as "Apache," enjoyed torturing 5th Regiment, 1st Marine Division US Marines and South Vietnamese troops and letting them bleed to death. •. Agent Orange was a powerful herbicide used by U.S. military forces during the Vietnam War to eliminate forest cover and crops for North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops. Excerpt from a type-written journal kept by John F. Kerry during his tour of duty in the Vietnam War: You wake up with a start thinking that something is wrong and you grab the bars over your rack and swing down onto the metallic deck in the main cabin. Well, that's one side of the story. Hathcock recalled how The Apache had skinned one young Marine alive for a day and a half until . This saved the lives of many American soldiers. On a mid-January night, on patrol in the jungle, they were forced to listen to the screams of a captured American soldier being skinned alive by the Viet Cong. Boyd's final metamorphosis occurs when Garrick is killed trying to rescue a wounded marine.

viet cong skinning soldiers alive