what is your weakness best answer

Talk about the steps you're taking to address your biggest shortcoming. But sometimes, being too honest prevents you from landing that job you want. You must have heard the phrase - "Be positive"You'll understand the logic behind it with the help of some examples in this video.Do not panic on your intervi. The best approach to this question is to answer the question they should have asked instead of answering, "what is your greatest weakness.". If your weakness would interfere with your ability to function as a medical student and physician, then present a different one. Talking Points. 1. Employers see right through the disingenuous "Well, my greatest weakness is that I'm a perfectionist" type of responses we've been trained to give for decades. If you can show this in your answer, you're good! Have a clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses. Second, is that you have proof to back up those claims. Giving a Weakness That Reflects a Bad Attitude. I sometimes lack confidence. 3. Example answer 7. Detail-oriented. If you respond to this question with an enthusiastic denial, the interviewer will probably write you off as someone with a lack of self-awareness or someone who is overconfident or unable to understand and learn from their mistakes. Get stressed if do not hit deadlines. 1. Answer with a canned response because it is a canned question. I have trouble saying "no.". Strengths. Team Player. Two, minor behaviors. 2. A good weakness interview question answer has two important parts: Part 1) Your weakness. My strength is I can learn quickly. Originality. Bad 'what are your weaknesses' answers include: I'm a . Team Player. In your answer to "What are your weaknesses?", it's important not to mention a real weakness. You can tell that you start to realize that it is ok to ask for help to understand new skills and new tasks. Overly critical of others. I have a hard time letting go of a project. When I was still a student, I would work on my projects at the last minute and end up scrambling when the deadline comes. Lack of confidence in self. Find keeping a work/life balance hard. The question "what is your biggest weakness" is classified by many as one of the hardest interview questions. When you cannot figure it out, or decide which strength or weakness to pick, you can always refer to your experience.Either you have it-which is a big plus, especially if you've worked in the same field, on same types of transactions, or you don't-and then it is your weakness, but one that will eventually diminish over time . When preparing to answer this question, the main thing to remember is that when you ask yourself "what are my weaknesses?", you should also be thinking about what you have done to address them. No matter what skill you decide to highlight in your answer, just make sure that it's applicable to the job and the company and that you have a truthful and solid example to back it up. So, if I have to share a task, I lose my patience when I suspect that the other person isn't doing it right. You need to talk about a genuine weakness, not a strength disguised as a weakness. You must have heard the phrase - "Be positive"You'll understand the logic behind it with the help of some examples in this video.Do not panic on your intervi. A common mistake executives make in interviews is to talk about deficiencies in areas that aren't relevant to the primary job. Common weaknesses include a fear of public speaking, lack of experience with software or a program, or difficulty with taking criticism. Short-sighted. Pay too much attention to detail. Versatility. Avoid a weakness that makes you seem like a risky hire. Remember, the best answer will 1) mention your real weaknesses, and 2) show what you're doing to correct them. Interview Best Answer: Talk about the skills you have . Creative. My weaknesses are Self-Criticism and Public Speaking. Answers to Avoid. Here's the question they should have asked, "Tell me about a time at work where you struggled with something and how you overcame it.". 1. Disciplined. 3. From a persistence point of view, my performance has been praiseworthy for 3 years in a row now. "I focus on details too much." Telling them that you . However, I am working on this weakness by delegating more responsibilities to my team and by trusting them to do a good job. To help myself improve in this area, I give myself deadlines for revisions. Top Weaknesses List & Examples. Weakness #2 - You find it difficult saying "NO" to people! To help you out, I've rounded up the most common, clich, and fake-sounding "biggest weaknesses," along with some suggestions for what to say instead. Partly because they sound incredibly insincere. Self-motivation. Refusing to Answer the Question. and secondly, you're not kidding anyone with funny/not funny answers like this one. The question "what is your biggest weakness" is classified by many as one of the hardest interview questions. My greatest weakness is..Kryptonite. Compress Decades Into Days. I am not very good with technology This is a good answer for those who are not interviewing for jobs that require proficiency with technology and systems. e.g "I just work too darn hard." Really depends on the job your interviewing for.-If its hourly retail or 70k. Discuss how you are working on your weakness. Leadership skills. Communication skills are my greatest strength. This is a great weakness because it is perfectly natural to feel nervous talking in front of people and it is not generally a skill that is needed in the majority of job roles! 1. Hiring managers are also wise to responses that attempt to frame a positive trait as weaknesses in a job interview. The answer shows self-awareness, reflection, and maturity. Before we cover the example answer, there are definitely some things you should avoid. Interview Answer 1: Answer the question by mentioning the skills that aren't critical for the available job. Able to work independently. Communication skills. You can go down the unorganized desk route as this is relatable and genuine. My strengths are Leadership, Communication Skills, Collaborative Discipline, Positive Attitude and Team Work. Detail-oriented. Many people are the same. There are 2 schools of thought on how to answer the weakness question in interviews: Give a BS answer like "I work too much" or "I'm too much of a perfectionist.". This is a critical component. Hard Working. Also Read : 20 Professional Development Goal Examples. Struggle with Multitasking. Self critical. Show that you're being proactive about improving yourself. Of. CHOOSE A 'GOOD' WEAKNESS. It's more effective to use a weakness that can be harnessed as a strength for the employer. Answer honestly with a genuine weakness. There are two reasons for this. Honesty. I am an excellent listener, speak clearly, and have a lot of empathy. Giving an Answer That Undermines Your Ability to Do the Job. Finding it hard to ask for help. "I am a perfectionist and an overachiever. In this way, you will be able to introduce your weakness easily instead of beating around the bush. Talk about your weaknesses assuredly Have a clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses. Show that you're being proactive about improving yourself. You certainly wouldn't want to give this answer if you're interviewing for a job as a software engineer. My strengths are Leadership, Communication Skills, Collaborative Discipline, Positive Attitude and Team Work. No one cares if you . "I am very persistent and I love to negotiate. I like to be in control of everything, and this can sometimes lead to me not trusting others with important tasks. Hundreds. . Positive. What are your weaknesses? 5+ "What Is Your Greatest Weakness?" Answer Samples #1. When a hiring manager asks about your strengths, they want to hear three key things. 2. This could be a good "weakness" for someone interviewing for a job that requires creativity, or it might be completely irrelevant to the job. And partly because your interviewer has likely already heard them. It helps me to address people in the right way, and to quickly help them with their requests. Do's while answering the "What is your weakness?" question Here are 3 Do's you should always keep in mind:- 1. Flexibility. Everyone's heard the classic trick of trying to insist that "being a perfectionist" is truly your greatest weakness. Analytical skills. "What is your greatest weakness" answer samples. I stand by my principles and that of my company, no matter what. Giving a Weakness That Has Little or No Bearing on Your Professional Competencies. List of Weaknesses Self-criticism Insecure Extremely Introverted Extremely Extroverted Creative Writing Too detail oriented Financial Literacy A Particular Software Too sensitive Presentation Skills Knowing how to answer, "what are your weaknesses" will set you up for success in your job search. Example 5. -How the rest of the interview is going. The Bottom Line Best answer: Think about a "hard skill" weakness you have recently overcome or are in the process of overcoming, and use that as your first answer, but do be prepared with two additional weaknesses. People skills. Reliable. When you have a personality flaw that affects your work. When you are at a new workplace you will require the help of others to understand many things. Writing skills. Second, the story being told by the candidate will be shorter, and skill will still present itself to the hiring manager. The STAR Technique. Answer (1 of 52): My Strength is ME and thoughts. I do my very best to stay focused on achieving those milestones, even if it means extra time or energy to make it happen. 5. Find keeping a work/life balance hard. To help you succeed in job interviews, Indeed has put together 10 ways to successfully answer the "what is your biggest weakness" question. Experience, or a lack of it, is always a go-to answer. I get impatient when projects run beyond the deadline. 1. What is your weakness best answer? I focus too much on the details Being detail-oriented is typically a good thing, but if you're someone who tends to spend too much time on the specifics of a project, it could also be considered a weakness. Open-mindedness. Get stressed if do not hit deadlines. Struggle to say no to people. When asked what's your greatest weakness, avoid trying to disguise a strength as a weakness. Empathy. If the question is asked (don't answer it if the question isn't asked (which it usually isn't)) Lack of confidence in self. "I tend to get caught up in the little details, which can distract me from the ultimate goal.". To help myself improve in this area, I give myself deadlines for revisions. Originality. Creative. To help you out, I've rounded up the most common, clich, and fake-sounding "biggest weaknesses," along with some suggestions for what to say instead. Top 6 weaknesses declared in interviews. Avoid coming off as arrogant or insecure in your answer - neither will leave a good impression. Briefly describe a real weakness that wouldn't be a major handicap on the job (Read on for how to choose a "good" weakness) Part 2) How you are already working on it. You can say that your greatest strength is: Creativity. 2. As usual, we have a (1) confession and a slight (2) recovery: (Confession) I love to knit and crochet, and I have spent too much time and effort doing that in the past. You can say that your greatest strength is: Creativity. Explain how your effort to improve will help make you become a better worker. When you lack a required skill. I have received a bonus in every quarter, and this is a . First, is that you have the self-awareness to reflect on your performance in the workplace. Reliable. Organized. Literally. Versatility. Creative. Talking Points. Interview Answer 2: Describe all the negative points in your behavior and lack of skills. Make sure to choose a relatively harmless weakness. You won't harm your chances of receiving a job offer if you claim organization is your weakness to an extent. But what you do with your talents, skills (and weaknesses) is what separates you . Contents show. Be honest and choose a real weakness. Patience. You also wanna give the impression that you are highly aware of your weakness. Sharing this weakness with the recruiter will make the recruiter aware of your problem of asking for favors. "What I noticed was, I only tend to procrastinate on big and complicated projects but never on small ones. Avoid sharing a character flaw or a negative personality trait. Typical answers fall along these lines: "I am a bit of a workaholic, so I have a tendency to take on too much work.". I'm not very good with numbers - This would be a good answer if your role doesn't need mathematical or financial skills. Detail-oriented. The answer ends on a positive note, and the tone is a good balance of confidence and humility. Able to work independently. Avoid a weakness that makes you seem like a risky hire. Also, my manager would surely vouch for the fact that I am a consistent performer. Writing skills. You are trying to highlight a weakness that isn't a massive handicap for the role you are applying for. Example: "My greatest weakness is that I sometimes have a hard time letting go of a project. Instead, employers are looking for you to be reflective and honest. You can tell that you start to realize that it is ok to ask for help to understand new skills and new tasks. Show the Hiring Manager How You've Overcome Past Weaknesses Use a business analogy and give specific examples of you overcoming past weaknesses to your hiring manager. Candidates who walk into the interview and give an honest answer to this question, saying something like "I think my biggest weakness is not . Being able to analyze your own weaknesses and discuss how you plan to address them as an adaptable and motivated individual eager for self-improvement can actually turn into a strength in disguise if you handle this discussion correctly. This is an acceptable answer since engineers do not necessarily need to be outgoing at work. These are my core strengths I believe. Example answers include: My biggest weakness is that I am at the time little reserved - This would function in roles where communication with other people or customers isn't required. Company policies are in place for a reason, and doing what is right is always of the utmost importance. Top 6 weaknesses declared in interviews. No matter what skill you decide to highlight in your answer, just make sure that it's applicable to the job and the company and that you have a truthful and solid example to back it up. Times. Make sure the weakness is 'acceptable' for the role you are . Some examples of weaknesses include: Afraid to ask questions. My weakness is Kind hearted and forgiveness. Explain how your effort to improve will help make you become a better worker. My strength is I can learn quickly. Answer #2 "My greatest weakness is that I sometimes have a hard time letting go of a project. Highlight your self-awareness and the ability to accept criticism and help from others. To ace this answer in your next interview, here's how to respond with the best answer to your greatest weakness. What's also important in answering is that you show self-improvement. Weakness #1 - You are not very good at talking in front of large groups of people! We've all got 'em. First, the interview answer will be more clear. Instead of "Perfectionism," Say. This is a great answer because: It shows how you noticed that your forgetfulness is a weakness, you developed a system of reminders, and through this solution you are now able to excel at your job. Lacking confidence with specific software tools or insecurity on the fluency level of a second language are good examples for customer service interviews. Point blank. When you are at a new workplace you will require the help of others to understand many things. Perhaps the most detrimental of all mistakes that candidates can make is to say anything along the lines of, "I don't really have any weaknesses," or "I can't think of any weaknesses right now.". Some of the examples of weaknesses are as follows: Speech anxiety (fear of public speaking) Lack of focus or Too much focused . Here is a list of strengths to consider: Entrepreneurial. Possible Answer #3. A good weakness to list in this section is something that's actually had a negative impact on your life. Asking for help. Strong People Skills. The answer "perfectionism" won't cut it when talking about your biggest weakness because it's not a real weakness. 2. Bad examples of weakness in interviews. I can have trouble asking for help. When you have a common flaw that doesn't impact your work. Giving a Weakness That Is Actually a Strength. Here are a few examples of the best weaknesses to mention in an interview: 1. The first is my inability to share responsibilities. Organized. My weaknesses are Self-Criticism and Public Speaking. I [] To the interviewer, this indicates that you lack self-awareness. Get Dan Lok's World-Class Training Solutions to Grow Your Income, Influence and Wealth Today. Honesty. In this way, you will be able to introduce your weakness easily instead of beating around the bush. Perfectionism can never be attained it's a fear-based pattern that leads to short-term rewards like getting the job done early and exceeding expectations. It is important to take these points into consideration: Choose a weakness that is relatively small and can be fixed with a little bit of work. Stating that you're often late or have trouble working with other people would be highlighting damaging weaknesses.

what is your weakness best answer