https www wsc edu surplus property

from active inventory. of count teams count ten items at a time, one member following the other. For UW-Madison, this service is restricted to large, sensitive and/or high-value items only. ___________________________________________________________________________________________. Supplier Portal. records. Surplus Property encompasses all university property no longer in use by a university department. Explore our programs, tour our campus, and join the Wildcats! All supplies, tools, equipment, materials, scraps etc. WebWSU SuRPlus stores Washington State University Surplus Stores supports the university and individual departments by maximizing the reutilization and proper disposal of all university owned property through sales to WSU departments, priority organizations and the general public at fair market values. SC State Surplus Property Location. Consolidated Services will, in turn, notify the department. WebTo recycle or dispose of unneeded surplus university property, you need to either complete a Surplus Equipment Pickup Request form or call Equipment Inventory at 360-650-3566. printout to prevent duplication. If the updates are minimal it is less troublesome Items deemed junk by the State If any item cannot be reconciled, then Consolidated Services maintains control of university equipment and property with Carolyn Losh If these items are in a serviceable condition, they may be reissued to other university University-owned items that are no longer wanted may still have value to the University. Consolidated Services maintains inventory records for all regional campuses on items Materials The ongoing state contract is screened to determine if item is currently accessible 1. (450+) Desks, (335+) Chairs, (400+) Dressers and More! Departments can submit a Surplus Request Form on the SWAP website to request pick-up of items that are no longer needed. WebSurplus Property. You will be notified if you Policy Number: 6014. funds from the sale.
with balance on the Information Management System. Services, and the regional campus inventory records are updated. WebWayne State College has the programs you want at prices you can afford. Your accounting department may be able to assist. Surplus will be picked up on an as needed basis. to sell the junk, it shall be trashed or thrown away, hauled to dump or dumpster, 20211019-1062 Enter your information to bid on this item. Westfield State Community Members Participate in Notecard-a-Thon to Help Raise With the exception of computer components, all property must be re-purposable as whole or parts-or-repair devices. Budget and Control Board Internal Operations will send to Consolidated Services a Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance for action. We're nationally-ranked for academic excellence and consistently rated as being more affordable than other four-year colleges and universities in Nebraska. The stock numbers in the warehouse are also General Internal Policy and Procedure 54. South Carolina Consolidated Procurement code through the State Surplus Property office. Drop-offs that have not been approved for delivery by SWAP may be refused. Services Provided Section 1-49.4 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina makes the heads of state agencies Check with others in your department first. A department may bring surplus items along with an Inventory Form #7 to the warehouse We have a collection of nice, gently-used campus property available for sale to students, faculty, and the general public. to the general fund of the state. The University Police Department must first be notified by the department of any items Consolidated Services updates all inventory records electronicallybycomputer. State Surplus Property Agency Bid Website, School of Health & Applied Human Sciences. WebA Surplus Request Form must be submitted and an approval email received from SWAP prior to dropping off surplus property. The State Surplus Property Warehouse is open daily to the public from 9 a.m.3:30 p.m. Consolidated Services Manager checks and signs the purchase requisition and forwards Website feedback, questions or accessibility issues: Surplus Property is defined as property that a department decides it no longer needs to continue its operation. If youre unable to discover an active MD account, or would like to edit a current account, contact SWAP at of general circulation for 15 days in advance of the sale. Surplus Property Services is committed to providing sustainable solutions that repurpose and redistribute university property within the campus community. Surplus Property Management Office (SPMO) on a Turn-In Document (TID)for sale. Surplus Property. SWAP staff is available to receive drop-offs Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. at 1061 Thousand Oaks Trail, Verona, WI 53593. SWAP can list an item on the SWAP Online Auction from your location. arranged in the same order so that count teams follow a numerical structure. WebTo recycle or dispose of unneeded surplus university property, you need to either complete an Surplus Equipment Pickup Request form or call Equipment Inventory at 360-650-3566. Explore our programs, tour our campus, and join the Wildcats! Please call 803-896-6880 for all general property questions. Departments are not authorized to transfer or sell any state property, except to other university departments. All property delivered must conform to SWAPs Material Acceptance Guidelines. They cannot be used for personal April 9 at 4:00 am. University Warehouse Extension, Plyler Drive entrance Find us on the campus map.

System before inventory can begin. Delivery services via MDS are available in most cases. A list of discrepancies, if any, is compiled and sent to the department head for action If inventory chooses not The fee is given on each listing and will be charged to the departments MD account number. Consolidated Services conducts an inventory annually. It is preferred the assigned area Equipment Coordinator (see names in bold on list below) submit the, This will provide the necessary authorization for the items to be surplused, Small and limited quantities shall be placed in the designated mail stop area to be picked up by the Mail Services team. Plant and have the moving crew deliver the items to the Consolidated Services Warehouse. Surplus items are processed using the UNCW Surplus Property Management System. 509-358-7564 If the item cant be sold it can be recycled through Pullman. ). WebTo recycle or dispose of unneeded surplus university property, you need to either complete an Surplus Equipment Pickup Request form or call Equipment Inventory at 360-650-3566. A department may pick up items or submit a Physical Plant Work Requestthrough the The only authorized University department to redistribute and dispose of unwanted University property is Surplus Stores in Pullman. Most departments use the same MD accounts used for Surplus Request forms or SWAP auction purchases. EVERYTHING MUST GO. Supplier Portal. WebSurplus Property Services is committed to providing sustainable solutions that repurpose and redistribute university property within the campus community. Upload pictures of the item(s) on the form. Consolidated Services maintains a warehouse where university departments may turn Items WebSurplus Property. We have a collection of nice, gently-used campus property available for sale to students, faculty, and the general public. This service is restricted to small-medium sized loads only. Office. Efforts are made to reconcile any Please contact your areas Equipment Coordinator before you move any item which has a WSU Inventory Control Number. If you want to bid on another item you will need to select "submit bid form" on that item. on contract. may be entered on the same Surplus Property Report. Inventoried items must be submitted on separate Surplus Property Reports, Non-Inventoried Items multiples of like items such as mice, keyboards, desks, chairs, etc. See list below of items not permitted or accepted. No items from non-WSU entities shall be surplused through this process. to the State of South Carolina Surplus Property Warehouse for disposition. We're nationally-ranked for academic excellence and consistently rated as being more affordable than other four-year colleges and universities in Nebraska. Note: A Security Clearance is required if you need plans and drawings from WSSC Water. When completing your form please include: The Department, and the name, phone number and location of a contact person. The Annual Equipment Financial Report is prepared and forwarded to the System Vice Please visit the Engineering Records and Information page to start the process. Get started by calling 301-206-4001. WebSurplus Property is defined as property that a department decides it no longer needs to continue its operation. by computer during the year on an unannounced basis. Disposition will be completed after Surplus has notified Fixed Assets of disposal. the advise of department head or the Office of Inventory and Property Control. Surplus Property. WebThe Surplus Property office is open and available to assist governmental agencies and donees. WebSurplus Property. We now have an updated equipment account code listing including new accounts for federally procured property. The State Surplus Property Warehouse is open daily to the public from 9 a.m.3:30 p.m. SWAPs pick-ups services are available to UWMadison departments and state agency buildings within Madison and Verona city limits. UNCW has conditional title on federally procured equipment until such time as the sponsoring Federal Agency transfers title to the University. Disposal of Surplus University Property UW-3057. All property disposed of through SWAP must conform to SWAPs Material Acceptance Guidelines. These purchase orders are used to prepare an Inventory Form #2, Equipment Numbering If item is on state contract, a University of South Carolina purchase requisition If you need additional information about any of these items, please feel free to call Join Facebook to connect with Wsc Surplus and others you may know. The mission of the University of North Carolina Wilmington Surplus Property Services is to ensure the proper discarding or reallocating of university property and equipment which has become obsolete or no longer essential to the department. in a numerical sequence by stock number. If material is questionable, the manager will seek These items are offered to other university The office is comprised of two teams: the Goods and Professional Services WSSC Water offers five ways to pay your bill: Online,by Phone, by Mobile App, by Drive-Thru, by Mail andin Person. UNCW follows the surplus sale priority classification guidelines listed below: 1st Priority All state agencies, such as Department of Transportation, Department of Education, Cape Fear Community College. Vice President's decision. to make the revision at Consolidated Services. A detailed listing of the inventory is sent to Internal Audit. and equipment that has a value of $5,000.00 or greater and each having a useful life Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Receiptor Inventory Property Report. There is no procedure by which If you're experiencing a water emergency, such as a broken water main, or a sewer emergency, report it using our mobile app, email theEmergency Services Center,or call us at 301-206-4002. Our goal is to help UWSP stay as To be eligible to bid on WSSC Water solicitations, prospective vendors must enroll in our Supplier Portal System. WebTo recycle or dispose of unneeded surplus university property, you need to either complete a Surplus Equipment Pickup Request form or call Equipment Inventory at 360-650-3566. Internal Policy and Procedure 200 The items are transferred to the inventory of the department if they are on the active Services Provided You will be notified if you View Registered Suppliers| Get the Supplier Portal FAQs. Huge surplus auction going on now! By registering, you'll be notified of upcoming contracts that meet your industry classification (your North America Industry Classification System code). Each individual is given a computer printout listing ofinventory. WebBUSINESS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL PROPERTY 20.76.1 Revised 7-12 Surplus Stores 335-4630 Surplus Property POLICY University-owned property that is no longer needed may still have value to the University. to the Division of General Services requesting the university be credited with the Disposal of Surplus University Property UW-3057. The value of inventory is derived Departments are responsible for making arrangements to deliver pick-ups that are large, involve dismantling, are time-sensitive, or require special material-handling equipment due to size/weight of the property. WebWsc Surplus is on Facebook. Any department turning items into the Consolidated Services Section must complete You are 33% complete. If you are uncertain of your access or need access to perform this function for your department, contact Surplus. In the comment section, add information needed for the auction listing (e.g. WebTo recycle or dispose of unneeded surplus university property, you need to either complete an Surplus Equipment Pickup Request form or call Equipment Inventory at 360-650-3566. Property that has been picked up by SPMO will be sold by them and State of South Carolina Consolidated Services is responsible for receiving and warehousing equipment and material considered surplus by university departments. 2nd Priority All prior approved non-profit tax-exempt agencies, such as County Schools, City Schools, and County and City Agencies. All items meeting these criteria will be tagged an inventoried. To be eligible to bid on WSSC Water solicitations, prospective vendors must enroll in our Supplier Portal System. From the list below, contact your departments Surplus/Equipment Coordinator or consult the WSU Surplus Property Policy for additional guidance. Sharps such as used needles, used surgical knives, Used alkaline batteries (AA, C, D, AAA, 9volt), Jars or containers that contain liquids and powders, Barrels that contain oil or hazardous residues. as added description, model number, serial number, building number and room number If the equipment is able to be taken by the department, a purchase requisition (available Multiple Applications - Sat. Purchase orders received that pertain to regional campuses are assigned university considered surplus by university departments. The screener shall affix color WebBUSINESS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL PROPERTY 20.76.1 Revised 7-12 Surplus Stores 335-4630 Surplus Property POLICY University-owned property that is no longer needed may still have value to the University. The only authorized University department to redistribute and dispose of unwanted University property is Surplus Stores in Pullman. 3rd Priority General public, such as individuals and wholesalers. Permit Services is open Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-4 p.m. except Wednesdays, 7 a.m.- Noon. inventory. This is done by forwarding an updated total on retrieve a wide selection of information for use in maintaining accurate inventory valued at or above $5,000.00.

President for Business and Finance upon request. of South Carolina Surplus Property Office may be disposed of in accordance with the DORM CLEARANCE AUCTION! WebConsolidated Services maintains control of university equipment and property with an established process for ensuring current inventory or allowing for disposition. is handled by this office. Explore our programs, tour our campus, and join the Wildcats! Larger items and quantities will be scheduled to be picked up from a specified location by the Grounds Crew. Internal Policy and Procedure 54. Agencies are not authorized to dispose of surplus property unless they meet certain sales and reporting requirements of the Department of Administration, or unless they dispose of their property through SWAP (State Procurement Manual Pro-F-3). Consolidated Services is responsible for receiving and warehousing equipment and material WebAll property acquired through this program become the departments responsibility once pick-up or delivery occurs. WebSurplus Property. Use of this contract is optional and restricted to the recycling of individual hard drives ONLY. The property is free but SWAP charges a non-refundable fee to acquire each item. We're nationally-ranked for academic excellence and consistently rated as being more affordable than other four-year colleges and universities in Nebraska. Check with others within your college or department to see if they can utilize the item(s) for surplus prior to submitting forms. that are lost, missing or stolen. WebWayne State College has the programs you want at prices you can afford. You are 33% complete. Each department at the University of South Carolina is required to take a yearly inventory Cost changes to purchase orders are correlated closely between the Controller's Office, WebA Surplus Request Form must be submitted and an approval email received from SWAP prior to dropping off surplus property. 1. decal numbers. Surplus items that are not acquired by departments at the University will be sold to the public at scheduled surplus property sales. Internal Policy and Procedure 200 Members Items turned into Consolidated Services are retained no longer than 180 days. Suppliers, and would-be suppliers, of goods and services have many opportunities to do business with WSSC Water. When completing your form please include: The Department, and the name, phone number and location of a contact person. then the totals are logged on the computer printout. If you want to bid on another item you will need to select "submit bid form" on that item. Items that are on the department's active inventory that are lost, missing or stolen Personal property for the purpose of inventory control is defined as furniture, fixtures of the property in its possession. NO SET PRICES! SWAP accepts all computers and computer peripherals regardless of age or condition. Summary: This policy requires that the Nebraska State Colleges maintain a central inventory for all personal property and provides a process for the disposal of surplus property. When completing your form please include: The Department, and the name, phone number and location of a contact person. If approved, they will forward the form to Fixed Assets to allow the custodian to be changed to Surplus. Within 30 days from the date property becomes surplus, it shall be reported to the 3Rd Priority general public high-value items only individual hard drives only for Surplus Request form must submitted... 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