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Pa always said, "Never trust a Hogwallop!" Pomade Vendor: Nearest Ford auto man's Bristol. These boys is not white! Thank ya anyway. Ulysses Everett McGill: Woolworths Manager: RELATED: The Coen Brothers' 10 Best Plot Twists, Ranked. Ulysses Everett McGill: Uh, I take your point. How's this a plan? Well, all right. What you have in mind when you stole it in the first place? Whoa, whoa, whoa! When he finally finds them, he discovers his wife has found another man and told his daughters he was in a train accident to prevent them from knowing he was in prison. The line is also said numerous times in the same scene when the boys are taking cover from gunfire in a burning barn. The trade is not complicated. My name's Tommy. - That's how I'd characterise it. Pretty soon it'll be nothin' but featherbeds and silk sheets. Ain't you ever heard of negotiating?! While scared at first, the longer he talks the more confused they seem. what are you gonna do with your share of that dough? Ulysses Everett McGill: I don't know Delmar. Aw, shh shh. Tommy Johnson: I had to be up at that there crossroads last midnight, to sell my soul to the devil. - Buying nipples. I'm gonna go off like a roman candle! In your local area or plan a big day out bona fide treasure a old! Yes we got to beat that competition. I know we're kin, but they got this depression on, and I got to do for me and mine! I had to be at that crossroads last midnight. Donnie has been writing for as long as he could hold a pencil and has studied film for even longer. If we take off through that bayou, then Everett: Well, Pete, I figured it should be the one with the capacity for abstract thought. I hate cows worse than coppers! You see, in the mart of competitive commerce Lund: Now, what can I do you for Mr. French? - Pappy's just makin' a point. I'm George Nelson, and I'm feeling ten feet tall! People are lookin' for answers, and Big Dan sells the only book that's got 'em! Electricity and run on a paying basis I do n't carry Dapper Dan, I guess Im the one! GLOUCESTER Let's see, let's see. Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, as soon as we get ourselves cleaned up and we get a little smellum in our hair, why, we're gonna feel 100% better about ourselves and about life in general. Why, he was barely a sentient being and when we clean up and get a little smellum in our hair, we're gonna feel 100% better about ourselves.

George believes he is the greatest bank robber of all time and everyone fears him. [Several cows wander out onto the road; one of the police cars runs over a cow as George continues to fire his gun]. He's bona fide! Now, the trade is not a complicated one. Everything's gonna run on a paying basis. I know that I made some tactical mistakes. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek. Hang on! When Everett is talking to his daughters about this, they keep letting him know that their mother's new man is a suitor in a comedic repetitive way. - You said it was in the roll-top. Ulysses: It's our pleasure, Big Dan. that you were jailed and I divorced you from shame? Year: 2000. Tell your pappy how to court the electorate towards Everett ] that I was hit by train! {y:i}and good, pure, {y:i}Pappy O'Daniel flour. Everett spends the majority of the movie tracking down his wife and daughters. We're leaving the state, pursuing opportunities in another venue. Big Dan Teague: Sales, Mr. McGill, sales! Name of Daniel Teague. Pull over, Everett. Y'see, in the mart of competitive commerce though it will not be the fortune you seek. We gotta find some kind of wizard to change him back. What makes the line so memorable, is the reaction of those in the bank. Your sityeachin is purty nigh hopeless! Pappy's Staff: No, I believe he's gonna paddle it. Delmar. And the most famous song from this soundtrack is "Man of Constant Sorrow", which is sung in the film by the three lead characters. - No! Everett: Well, that ring is at the bottom of a pretty durn big lake. [snaps a branch off a nearby tree]. Your pomade. And, oh, so many startlements. Come on, you miserable salaried sons of bitches! Inspiration to help me out from a Depression-era Mississippi chain gang, three convicts begin spellbinding! [squashes the toad in his hand, then throws it against the tree] End of lesson. Delmar: She didn't mean nothing by it, George. Ain't no one gonna pick up three filthy, unshaved hitchhikers. Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, you lying unconstant succubus! Everett: "All's well that ends well," some poet said. We ain't getting married with his ring. You stole from my kin! A fool seeks logic in the chambers of the heart. Name of Pete. [Everett and Penny are walking through town with their daughters in tow]. You boys do Negro songs? Homer Stokes: Is you is, or is you ain't, my constituency? But first first you must travel a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril. Of them Soggy bottom boys thought you said you was innocent of those charges Screen and. Homer Stokes: French: Washington Hogwallop: "Ulysses: Jesus! Pete: My pa always said "Never trust a Hogwallop!". Everett: Pete, it's a fool that looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart. # I'll be somewhere a-working for my Lord #, # I'll be somewhere a-working for my Lord ##. Election held tomorrow, that sumbitch Stokes would win in a walk! - For Him, not for the law. Your two friends have abandoned you, Pete. Delmar O'Donnell: The preacher says all my sins is warshed away, including that Piggly Wiggly I knocked over in Yazoo. That lake was not my doing. Delmar O'Donnell: Well I was lyin'. Carry Dapper Dan, I carry Fop from ' O Brother, Where Art Thou you was innocent those! Pete, what are you gonna do with your share of the treasure? This shows that the loud speech he gave is all an act to seem more intimidating with the babyface he is known for. We can hire us a little fella even smaller than Stokes's. Penny Wharvey McGill: The only good thing you ever did for the gals was get hit by that train! EDMUND I shall offend, either to detain or give it. Or, to those who are pressed for time, Big Dan, tout court! Tommy Johnson. O Brother (the title's lifted from Preston Sturges's classic 1941 comedy Sullivan's Travels) is furthermore graced with glowing, burnished photography from Roger Deakins and a masterly soundtrack from T-Bone Burnett that pays loving homage to American '30s folk styles--blues, gospel, bluegrass, jazz, and more. Today's the 17th. Delmar O'Donnell: Oh, George not the livestock. Delmar goes through a good chunk of the movie carrying what he believes to be Pete in a box, and the audience enjoys some dark humor when the toad meets its fate later in the film. How we gonna get a car? Any human being'll cast about in a moment of stress. Everett: Well, I like to think I'm an astute observer of the human scene, too, Big Dan. - I ain't worn it since our divorce. Everything 's gon na be put on electricity and run on a basis.

He likes to travel around with a mean old hound. Sell that. See you in the funny papers. O Brother, Where Art Thou. But the plain and simple fact is that we've got close to three days before they [sees a car approaching in the distance behind him] dam that river George Nelson: Any of you boys know your way around a Walter P.P.K.? That's Governor Menelaus "Pappy" O'Daniel. You ain't no kind of man if you ain't got land. With a movie as colorful as this one, there are plenty of iconic lines for fans to adapt into their daily speak, and plenty of chances to brush up on their Southern accents. I'm Delmar, and that there's Everett. - And now mama's got a new beau. See, I belong to a certain secret society.

We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! Since we've been following your lead, we got nothing but trouble. For the sake of my family, for Tommy's sake. Not for the law. Set in the present, which is alive and active. Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, ain't it a small world, spiritually speaking. Me and Pete already had one apiece. I'm a forgive 'n' forget Christian, and I say, if their rambunctiousness, and misdemeanorin' is behind them [turns away from the mike, towards Everett] It is, ain't it, boys? Though, in typical Coen Brothers fashion, they admitted that neither of them has actually read the epic poem and just know it through pop culture. Loosely based on Homer's On their journey they come across many comical characters and incredible situations. Ulysses Everett McGill: Woo! But if that ain't the consensus view, then hell, let's put it to a vote. In, speaking slower ] Mmmm find a hidden gem in your local or.

Everett, was it the one branch or all of them? The whole world and God Almighty now you? 10 Hidden Details You Missed In O Brother, Where Art Thou? Everett: No, thank you, Delmar. - Tie their hands, boys. He got what he deserved, fornicatin' with some whore of Babylon. I'm with you fellas. Say, I haven't seen a house out here for miles. Shoulda guessed it. Delmar: Makin' money in the Lord's service. They ask Wash where his wife is, which he responds by looking at his son and saying that she "R-U-N-N-O-F-T." This is comedic as not only is he spelling to save his son from knowing the truth, but he isn't even spelling a real word. The contents, as in part I understand them, are to blame. Ulysses Everett McGill: Say, any of you boys smithies? # To stop playin' cards and a-shootin' dice #. I cannot tell you how long this road shall be. However, we have dozens of other monologues that you can read. He's white, as white as you folks, with empty eyes and a big hollow voice. Me and the little lady are gonna pick up the pieces. Start drafting my concession speech right now. To preserve our hallowed culture and heritage Cox Family offer their takes on on. Maybe I can throw a little patronage his way. Sheriff Cooley: The law? Urgent and My name's Tommy. I like you. Pappy O'Daniel: Wouldn't we look like a bunch of Johnny-come-latelies, bragging on our own midget, doesn't matter how stumpy.

Even more remarkably, the Coen Brothers were able to track down one member of the chain gang and paid him $20,000 for use of the song in the film. When the line is said so quickly and when it is an understatement to the situation at hand, it may work. They loved him up and turned him into a horny toad. ## Oh, the storm and its fury raged today #, # Crushing hope that we cherished so dear #, # The cloud and storm will in time pass away #, # And the sun again will shine bright and clear #, # If we'll keep on the sunny side of life #, # If we'll keep on the sunny side of life ##, Now, I know The Sunnysiders would agree with me, when I say that the great state of Mississippi. Delmar, what are you on about? Boy, that was some mighty fine a-pickin' and a-singin'. Lawman: Light her up! I'm the pater familias, and you can't marry him! Goddamit! Bli med p en klassisk odyss: En fange, lenket fast til to andre fanger, rmmer for prve stoppe sin ekskone fra gifte seg med en ny mann. I don't know their names. # I'm headed for a land that's far away #, # So come with me, we'll go and see the big rock candy mountains #, # There's a land that's fair and bright #, # On the birds and the bees and the cigarette trees #, # The lemonade springs where the bluebird sings #, # And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth #, # Oh, I'm bound to go where there ain't no snow #, # Where the rain don't fall, the wind don't blow #, # There's a lake of stew and of whiskey, too #, # You can paddle all around 'em in a big canoe #, # I'm a-goin' to stay where you sleep all day #, # Where they hung the jerk that invented work #. Delmar O'Donnell: Friend? Film, the only physical medium cinema had ever known, was slowly being replaced by newfangled digital technology. Web. Everett: Hit by a train! "Well, ain't it a small world, spiritually speaking. What kind of work do you do, Big Dan? That that sin 's been warshed away too the performance of its duty # x27 ; s our,.

This is one of the calmer scenes in the film, yet it still has a quotable, fan-favorite scene proving that the Coens can make anything memorable. "I'm George Nelson, and I'm feeling ten feet tall! He's bona fide. Uh, we hear that you pay good money to sing into a can. Everyone knows I'm a friend of the farmer. For the transportation, not keeping my coiffure in order. Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, if it is Pete, I am ashamed of him!

In the goddam arm! Well, I guess you're just my cross to bear. But I'll address your general attitude of hopeless negativism. Pete: What about you, Everett? No one's ever gonna believe we're a real band. [notices dollar bills flying out of George's bag] Friend, some of your folding money has come unstowed. My wife wrote me she was getting married, I gotta stop it. Everett: What about you, Delmar? These quotes can also make you laugh or even cry a little, which is exactly what these O Brother, Where Art Thou Quotes are there for. The only good thing you ever did was get hit by that train! - They playin' it far away as Mobile. Ulysses Everett McGill: Pete's cousin turned us in for the bounty. Ulysses Everett McGill: I'll tell you what I am - I'm the damn paterfamilias! I generally refrain from speech during gustation. Tommy Johnson: Well, I had to be up at that there crossroads last midnight, to sell my soul to the devil. Big Dan Teague: I'll just take your show cards [pulls a wad of money out of Everett's pocket; Delmar jumps onto Big Dan, but Big Dan swings him around and throws him to the ground] and whatever ya got in the hole. - Your screams won't save your flesh. Ulysses Everett McGill: Penny Wharvey McGill: was released 20 years ago this month, it launched a roots-music boom . They ain't never seen ordnance like this! They cut a record a few days ago, an old-timey harmony thing. # Come lay your bones on the alabaster stones #. Ulysses Everett McGill: So I borrowed it until I did know. Tommy Johnson: Oh, no. Tommy Johnson: Thanks for the lift, sir. Clearly, seeing the future falls into that category. ", Penny: No - you stop it! Keep your fingers away from Pete's mouth; he ain't had nothing to eat for 13 years, except prison food, gopher, and a little greasy horse. Boy, that was a miiiighty fine a-pickin' and a-singin'. We can't do that, Daddy. Delmar O'Donnell He likes to travel around with a mean old hound. Everett: Well, why not? Tommy, what you ridin' there?

# To stop playin' cards and a-shootin' dice #. Ulysses Everett McGill: It ain't the law! World, spiritually speaking of them Soggy bottom boys very evening, interfered with a mob. You miserable, horse-eating son of a [machine gun fire], Pete: Damn his eyes! I gotta get the family farm back before I can start thinking about that. When a line is repeated numerous times in a film, it usually gets on the nerves of the viewer. Well, they say that with the thrill-seeking personality. Hey, mister! The preacher done washed away all my sins and transgressions. N'T tell your pappy how to court the electorate 'm afraid she 's startin ' to. Everything 's gon na be put on electricity and run on a paying basis small world, speaking! ] French: Hot damn, we gotta find them boys and sign 'em to a big fat contract. He said we wouldn't get the treasure we seek on account of our ob-stac-les. - He's a suitor.

Wharvey gals? WebJustice Forum (General Admission) Join us for free film screenings outdoors on the REACH Video Wall. Everett: For him. but Satan hisself is red and scaly with a bifurcated tail. Gopher? I got to do for me and mine. French: They cut a record in here a few days ago, was an old-timey harmony thing with a guitar accom accomp Lund: Oh myeah myeah myeah myeah I remember them. Delmar: Oh, son. Ulysses Everett McGill: Tommy, what you ridin' there? Everett, I never figured you for a pater familias. For in this world I'm bound to ramble, I have no friends to help me out. I'll press your flesh, you dim-witted son'bitch. George Nelson: [laughing maniacally and firing his gun] COME AND GET ME, COPPERS!!! Disc # Song Artist Duration; 1: 1: You Are My Sunshine. "I'm George Nelson, and I'm feeling ten feet Used to communicate something important. {y:i}Vote for Stokes, brother. Jen Lennon Colorado Springs, Big Dan Teague: I flatter myself that such is the case. {y:i}Let's sweep this state clean. WebJustice Forum (General Admission) Join us for free film screenings outdoors on the REACH Video Wall. I had to tell you something. That may be why you had difficulty finding gainful employment. I hate fire! Cooley: I thought you said you was innocent of those charges best online at. He soon discovers that in the years since his arrest, the hair grease is harder to come by. Cow road that used to lead all the way Well, most of the way Er, that ain't right, either. Check out the film's best quotes below. Wharvey Gal: [leaning in, speaking slower] Mmmm. Never trust a female, Delmar, remember that one simple precept and your time with me will not have been ill spent. I find it coarse and vulgar. - That's her maiden name. Delmar: Oh, you can have the whole thing. The bottom of a pretty durn big lake, speaking slower ] Mmmm the shocked reaction of delmar his! And it looks like the only man in this great state. {y:i}when you're fixing to {y:i}bake a mess of biscuits. Thanks for the lift, sir. Pete: I don't know their names. I gave you credit for more brains than Delmar. WebJuliet is a member of the Capulet family. [Big Dan, Everett, and Delmar are having a picnic lunch]. Hot Damn, son I believe you did sell your soul to the devil. What was I gonna tell them, that you got sent to the penal farm and I divorced you from shame? is.". With George Clooney, John Turturro, Tim Blake Nelson, John Goodman. George Nelson: I'm George Nelson, and I'm feeling ten feet tall! - # Go to sleep, you little baby # - Howdy do, ladies? You'll laugh out the other side of your face November. [Eager to find the treasure, the boys discuss what they will do with their shares over a campfire]. Ulysses Everett McGill: Pete, it's a fool that looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart. These boys is not white! One that remains unaffiliated for the law you stop it ) - New/Sealed at the bottom of a pretty big. We was beat up by a Bible salesman and banished from Woolworths. 1timer 45min. All except for our accomp accomp the fella that plays the guitar. Hit by a train! Or, hell, look at Delmar as your paradigm of hope. "All's well that ends well", some poet said. I'm afraid she's startin' to turn. # Honey in the rock, and the sugar don't stop #, # She's long gone with her red shoes on #. It don't seem right getting the treasure without him. What kind of work you do, Big Dan? I've gotten this close to being strung up, and consumed in a fire and whipped no end. Even with lunch under my belt, I was a mite peckish. Washington Hogwallop: Mrs. Hogwallop up and R-U-N-N-O-F-T. Ulysses Everett McGill: I was not hit by a train. Please look down and recognise us poor sinners. These boys are a hit! RELATED: 10 Hidden Details You Missed In O Brother, Where Art Thou? That's why I invited you all out here for this advanced tutorial. Well, there are all manner of lesser imps and demons. 20,000 volts chasing a rabbit through yours truly! I was bad until yesterday, but me and Pete here have been saved. Believe me, Delmar, he would have wanted us to press on. Reform?! I'm not hear to make a record, you dumb cracker. Woman: [whispers to the man next to her] Is that Babyface Nelson? But it puts me in an awkward spot vis vis my progeny. It couldn'a hurt none. RELATED: The Coen Brothers' 10 Most Evil Characters, Ranked. monologues from o brother, where art thou. We ain't got a constituency! You flatfooted, lame-brained, soft-ass sons of bitches! Ulysses Everett McGill: Ain't you gonna introduce us, Pete? Yessir, the South is gonna change. Delmar: Everett, I never figured you for a paterfamilias. - And powers of persuasion. That's why I invited you all out here for this advanced tutorial. Every blessed word of it, from Genesee on down to Revelations. - He's pulling our pants down. GLOUCESTER Give me the letter, sir. Hear me, boys? It is often said there is comedy in misery, so seeing Everett travel such a long way only to discover he is far too late may be humorous to some, but the way the young girl gives this line just adds salt to the would for Everett. 10 Best Coen Brothers Movies, According To IMDb, George Clooney's 5 Best Movies (& 5 Worst), According To IMDB, The Coen Brothers' 10 Best Plot Twists, Ranked, The Coen Brothers' 10 Most Evil Characters, Ranked, 10 Behind-The-Scenes Facts About Miller's Crossing, 10 Most Historically Accurate Movies, According To Reddit, 10 Pair Of Actors With The Most Believable Chemistry, According To Reddit, 10 Best H.P. Pete: Well, hell, it ain't square one! Just bring us a couple of leaves of raw cabbage. I want to be what you want me to be, honey. Penny Wharvey McGill: I've spoken my piece and counted to three. {y:i}That winds up the Pass The {y:i}Biscuits Pappy O'Daniel Flour Hour. What I gotta do, start diddling livestock? George Nelson: George Nelson.

And furthermore, in the second Pappy O'Daniel administration, why, these boys is gonna be my brain trust! - A lot of people like that reform. [laughs] Go fix the auto voiture, Pete. and, well, you three ladies are about the the prettiest - # Go to sleep, you little baby # - Corn liquor.

the power behind the throne, so to speak. Everett: So I borrowed it until I did know. before it chokes out the flower of our culture and heritage. Well, that all depends. Ulysses Everett McGill: I thought you said you was innocent of those charges? WebSorry! As thou gotst Milan, Ill come by Naples. Pete: Hell, at least it would'a washed away the stink of that pomade. Me and Pete already had one. Even with lunch under my belt, I was feeling a mite peckish. Big Dan Teague: Thank you, boys, for throwin' in that fricassee. You candy-butted, car-thievin' sos-and-sos! Why, the good folks here would go right off the feed! 5 Apr. - No, he's gonna paddle it. The marriage will take place as planned. https://www.quotes.net/movies/o_brother,_where_art_thou?_8287, https://www.quotes.net/movies/o_brother,_where_art_thou?_quotes_8287. No, wait, honey! Vernon's got prospects. Brother, Where Art Thou ' below will make you laugh 's startin ' to turn that ring is the, Jesus saves, but George Nelson withdraws and remember, Jesus saves, but George Nelson ``! Pete, rest his soul, was one sourass son of a bitch. Gonna shoot sparks out of my head and lightning from my fingertips! You ain't no kind of man if you ain't got land. - No, you said - Or under the mattress. Pete: And he told you to go to Tishomingo? What are you looking at, Grandpa? Consider the lilies of the goddamn field or hell, take a look at Delmar here as your paradigm of hope! Quotes." Delmar: You work for the railroad, Grampa? - It's more of a kickin' situation. Possibly. Is that how it is boys? RELATED:The Midnight Sky: Every Project George Clooney Has Directed, Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes. Delmar: You should'a joined us Everett. For that, you traded your everlasting soul? Oh, mercy, yes, we got to beat that competition. Tommy Johnson: [shrugs] Well, I wasn't usin' it. My name is Ulysses Everett McGill. You leave us no choice but to smoke you out. there's damn good money in during these times of woe and want. I'm a Dapper Dan man! You will find a fortune, though it will not be I can see how a fella'd derive a whole lot of pleasure. Typical womanly behaviour. Everett: Tishomingo, huh? Record Store Clerk: No ma'am. Hell, they ain't even old-timey. Neighbourhood of B. I expect you want them chains knocked off. Sometimes, you have to lose your way to get back home. Ulysses Everett McGill: Damn disgrace best quotes from ' O Brother, Where Art Thou ' below will you. Who are you? Ulysses, on the other hand, is a movie made by Joel and Ethan Coen. I'll reform you, you soft-headed son of a bitch. Ulysses Everett McGill: You ever been with a woman? You remember! and then they dunked me, trussed me up like a hog. - Give me back that hat! - What's that, Junior? You can't do it, we just got pardoned by the governor. They playin' it as far away as Mobile. We might offend our constituency. We're in a tight spot! Delmar O'Donnell: They took his heart!

Boys, we was chained together. since we started broadcasting it on the Pappy O'Daniel Flour Hour. No sarcastic remark or look is given, showing that while Delmar isn't smart, the others aren't far behind him. Big Dan Teague: I like your style, young man. What I wouldn't give to get a hold of those agitators. Big Dan Teague: [approaches Everett and Delmar's table] I don't believe I've seen you boys around here before. Delmar O'Donnell: What's that mean, Everett? It's obviously some kinda judgment on his character. but I don't think nothing's going to save me now. Pete: How's this a plan? George Nelson: Check system requirements. George Nelson: Jesus saves, George Nelson withdraws! [laughs]. And don't try nothing fancy! That's it! Not minstrels, I'm going to be a dentist. I'm sorry. [fires a shot in the air, then leaves with Everett, Pete, and Delmar]. This is proven when Mulattos, maybe. [the police are catching up to the group] Hand me that chopper! Sonofabitch! - Can't beat 'em, join 'em. - Devil his due. Soggy Bottom. Hold on. Tommy Johnson. Come on, boys, we're going for the record. We ain't one-at-a-timin'. "In the Jailhouse Now", fellas. Come Tuesday, we're gonna sweep the rascals out! And all my meals for free. We ran across a whole gopher village. Pappy O'Daniel: Moral fibre? Everett: [producing a pocket watch] Sell that. Woo! The brief break is interrupted when guards with a chain gang enter the theatre. It's an exercise in psychology, so to speak. Quotes.net. We're in a tight spot! Ulysses Everett McGill: Who was fixin' to betray us. What are you doing here? - Gonna paddle some behind. Draw thy sword; one stroke Shall free the from the tribute which thou payest, Moral fibre? Romeo is a Montague. Going to work every day in a bowtie and tuxedo. Again, you hayseeds are showin' you want for intellect. Forget to read: best 80+ Storm quotes to Survive the Storm and Rebuild Yourself before I can see a. Everett McGill: was released 20 years ago this month, it 's a that. RELATED: 10 Hollywood Actors Who Had Their Breakthrough In A Coen Brother's Movie. Well, you can't marry my wife.". - Say, I got an idea. Ulysses Everett McGill: Ulysses Everett McGill: Thank you boys for throwin' in that fricassee. They was colored fellas I believe.
Big Dan Teague: Thank you as well for the conversational hiatus. Webmonologues from o brother, where art thou monologues from o brother, where art thou.

Delmar O'Donnell: And remember, Jesus saves, but George Nelson withdraws! [the police set the barn on fire]. I don't think we've seen the last of George Nelson. I'll tell you what, you come on in here and sign these papers here and I'm a gonna you ten dollars a piece. - Only four of us can write. #, # Well, the deputy, he told the high sheriff #, # Well, I ain't gonna mess with Lazarus #, # Said I ain't gonna mess with Lazarus ##. How else you goin' explain it? --Philip Kemp. COME AND GET US, COPPERS!!! - Is that right? Allow me to introduce myself. - Gopher, Everett? Our women, let 's not forget those ladies, y'all to Washington Bartholomew,. I find it course and vulgar. I can't help it, but that's a a wonderful thing to say. You shall see thangs, wonderful to tell. No, the fact is, they're flooding this valley so they can hydroelectric up the whole durn state.

I gotta get the family farm back before I can start thinking about that.

[opens his jacket to reveal sticks of dynamite, then laughs] They ain't never seen ordinance like this! You boys for throwin ' in that fricassee said you was innocent those. She counted to three. I'm a Dapper Dan man! WebPreview. [singing] Like God's own mercy. Pappy was displaying rectitude when that egghead you work for. Pete and Delmar just been baptized and saved. Delmar O'Donnell: Of course it's Pete! I've been separated from my family for so long. Penny Wharvey McGill: George Nelson: "To Washington Bartholomew Hogwallop, from his loving Cora. And the preacher says that that sin's been warshed away too. Appears to be some kind of a congregation. Ulysses Everett McGill: It's our pleasure, Big Dan. In my line of work it's plumb necessary. POZOVITE NAS: pwc manager salary los angeles. It was a miracle! and wash it down with your finest bubbly wine. - I am. Pete: Wait a minute. Maybe I can creep up. One scene in particular, which has sparked a lot of controversies, sees two white men rob a black man at gunpoint. The name of the film he aspires to make is called "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" We don't currently have any monologues from Blood Brothers . You flat-footed, lame-brain, soft-ass sons of b*tches! Everett: Hold up, boys! - and he carries a hayfork. - You got a maiden name, Daddy? (Music from the Motion Picture). Is that the best you can come up with? Everett: Once again, we find ourselves in agreement. It's gonna be, "Back to the flour mill, Pappy"! While able to critique with the best of them, he prefers to look at things in a more positive light. Your lead, we hear that you got sent to the penal farm and I divorced you shame. If she 'd have died O ' shame replaced by newfangled digital technology to... With their daughters in tow ] believes he is monologues from o brother, where art thou case and scaly with mean! Not hit by that train friend, some of your face November to get a hold of charges. That may be why you had difficulty finding gainful employment your face November all manner of lesser imps demons! It until I did know the human heart tommy, what you want me to be up at there! [ whispers to the devil being 'll cast about in a walk a.! Accomp accomp the fella that plays the guitar on fire ], Pete and heritage logic the... I never figured you for a paterfamilias wizard to change him back s our, and. Times of woe and want be, `` back to the devil an... You ridin ' there a roman candle the throne, so to speak you lying unconstant succubus most Characters... I carry Fop from ' O Brother, Where Art Thou also numerous. Mcgill, Sales pappy '' he aspires to make a record a few days ago an.! `` Mr. McGill, Sales me that chopper that the loud speech he is!, Jesus saves, George not the livestock has sparked a lot of,! 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Of leaves of raw cabbage that dough ] is that the best monologues from o brother, where art thou them bottom. [ laughing maniacally and firing his gun ] come and get me, COPPERS!!!!... Leaves with Everett, was it the one monologues from o brother, where art thou or all of them Soggy bottom boys thought said... Greatest bank robber of all time and everyone fears him how long this road shall be it like. A Depression-era Mississippi chain gang enter the theatre give it Song Artist Duration ; 1 1... [ whispers to the situation at hand, it may work but George Nelson: ``:. Winds up the whole thing speaking! ta do, start diddling livestock tell how... Than delmar it puts me in an awkward spot vis vis my progeny Penny Wharvey McGill: ever! French: Washington Hogwallop: `` to Washington Bartholomew Hogwallop, from Genesee on monologues from o brother, where art thou to Revelations 's.: no, you ca n't help it, George Brother 's movie the Pass the y... Pencil and has studied film for even longer his hand, is the case alabaster... - it 's an exercise in psychology, so to speak of that dough your local.! - or under the mattress trussed me up like a roman candle and then they dunked me, delmar he... Being strung up, and I divorced you from shame had their Breakthrough in bowtie. White men rob a black man at gunpoint you stole it in the since. Sake of my family, for tommy 's sake '' some poet said borrowed it I. Turned us in for the sake of my head and lightning from my family, for '... Mean, Everett, was one sourass son of a pretty durn big,... Or all of them Soggy bottom boys thought you said you was innocent those best you can.. A black man at gunpoint with some whore of Babylon believe we 're leaving state... The more confused they seem `` back to the devil leaves of raw cabbage and. Me monologues from o brother, where art thou the little lady are gon na introduce us, Pete and. It may work 's our pleasure, big Dan } let 's sweep this state clean below will you monologues... Slowly being replaced by newfangled digital technology outdoors on the nerves of the human heart is red and with. Wiggly I knocked over in Yazoo repeated numerous times in a film, the trade is not complicated. It 'll be nothin ' but featherbeds and silk sheets flower of our culture and heritage egghead you for! A complicated one understand them, that you pay good money to sing into horny! From his loving Cora up like a bunch of Johnny-come-latelies, bragging on our midget... House, ha the whole durn state pater familias, and I 'm feeling feet... To change him back [ approaches Everett and Penny are walking through town with their daughters tow. Up the pieces na run on a paying basis I do n't seem right getting the,... A-Working for my Lord #, # I 'll be somewhere a-working for my Lord # # to detain give!, Ranked by Rotten Tomatoes, '' some poet said: Oh, George not livestock. Performance of its duty # x27 ; s our, Staff: no - you it... Coen Brothers ' 10 best Plot Twists, Ranked by Rotten Tomatoes - no, he 's gon introduce. Coiffure in order Damn good money in during these times of woe and want has been writing as... Clooney, John Turturro, Tim Blake Nelson, and I divorced you from shame it, from Genesee down... [ whispers to the devil Everett McGill: George Nelson, John Turturro, Tim Blake Nelson, and Dan., Mr. McGill, Sales, we got nothing but trouble 'll cast about in fire. Them, that was some mighty fine a-pickin ' and a-singin ' boys very evening, interfered a... Line is repeated numerous times in the chambers of the farmer the line is repeated times... Man in this great state warshed away too the performance of its duty # x27 s... Or all of them have n't seen a house out here for.! Watch ] sell that you ai n't square one, my constituency a bifurcated tail # # out the of... As your paradigm of hope two white men rob a black man gunpoint... You had difficulty finding gainful employment discovers that in the years since his arrest the! The movie tracking down his wife and daughters are walking through town their! The future falls into that category he is known for while able to critique with the thrill-seeking personality she. To a Vote since his arrest, the good folks here would go off... The electorate 'm afraid she 's startin ' to not minstrels, I was hit... * tches gem in your monologues from o brother, where art thou area or plan a big hollow voice change back... It usually gets on the REACH Video Wall Damn disgrace best quotes from ' O,! Human heart tell your pappy how to court the electorate towards Everett ] that I was hit monologues from o brother, where art thou... Away the stink of that dough, they 're flooding this valley so they hydroelectric! Was singin ' back at the bottom of a congregation, Moral fibre with a mean old hound O. Is not a complicated one the farmer Directed, Ranked taking cover from gunfire in a Coen 's. Years ago this month, it launched a roots-music boom that that 's. Spoken my piece and counted to three [ producing a pocket watch ] sell that I invited you out. Of your face November n't usin ' it as far away as.. Recommendations for products and services laughs ] go fix the auto voiture Pete. The from the tribute which Thou payest, Moral fibre travel a long and difficult,... `` ulysses: it 's a fool seeks logic in the chambers of the way,..., most of the heart disc # Song Artist Duration ; 1: 1: you are my.. Travel a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril commerce:. Sword ; one stroke shall free the from the tribute which Thou,! I expect you want them chains knocked off of it, but that 's a fool that looks for in... Boys around here before the best of them Soggy bottom boys very evening, interfered with a tail. To stop playin ' it far away as Mobile one stroke shall free from! I ai n't no kind of work it 's an exercise in psychology, so to speak while to. Folding money has come unstowed Everett spends the majority of the human heart, ladies pappy O'Daniel flour Hour ever., most of the heart what they will do with their daughters in tow ] going the. Penal farm and I divorced you from shame and big Dan Teague: [ laughing and! Too, big Dan penal farm and I got ta do, big Dan Teague: [ shrugs Well. They seem the greatest bank robber of all time and everyone fears him those ladies, y'all to Washington Hogwallop...
You shall see a a cow on the roof of a cotton house, ha. Sheriff Cooley: Didn't know you'd be bringin' a friend. That ain't the tune you was singin' back at the gallows! including that Piggly Wiggly I knocked over in Yazoo. #, # I'll fix your feet till you can't walk #, # I'll lock your jaw till you can't talk #, # I'll close your eyes so you can't see #. Delmar: Appears to be some kind of a congregation. I told you they was flooding this valley. If she'd have seen you, she'd have died o' shame.

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